Film Listings – Bognor Regis Observer – Friday, 26 August 1955

PAVILION, SELSEY. "CARRINGTON, V.C.." is a British production starring David Niven, Margaret Leighton and Noelle Middleton. It tells the story of Major Carrington. V.C. (David Niven), who is accused of fraud by his Commanding Officer. Lieut.-Colonel Henniker (Allan Cuthbertson). He is also accused of absence without leave, and of entertaining a W.R.A.C. officer in his bedroom. The W.R.A.C. officer Captain Alison Graham (Noelle Middleton) is in love with Carrington and does all in her power to help him when he pleads not guilty to these three charges. Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn and William Holden, three Academy Award winners, star in the romantic comedy "SABRINA FAIR." Linus (Humphrey Bogart) and David (William Holden) Larrabee are brothers and heirs to the vast fortune of Oliver Larrabee. On their estate lives Fairchild, their chauffeur and Sabrina Fairchild (Audrey Hepburn), his daughter, who has a mad girlhood crush on David, a playboy who doesn't notice her. When she goes to Paris for a year, returning a lady of fashion and grace, both brothers seek her hand, with the story rushing to an hilarious climax.

Last updated: Nov 03, 2023

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