Merchant Navy Charity Week – Hampshire Telegraph – Friday, 17 March 1944

The Fifth Sea Lord at Selsey. "ln these days of heavy taxation many people think the Government should provide the Merchant Navy with the comforts they deserve. England, at the present moment, with all our taxation, the best we can do is to pay half; the rest has to come front voluntary contributions," said Rear Admiral D. W. Boyd, C. B., C.B.E., D.S.C.. R.N., Fifth Sea Lord, when he formally opened Selsey's Merchant Navy Comfort Service Week on Saturday. Asking for generous support of the Comforts Service. Admiral Boyd was introduced to the audience of the Pavilion Cinema by Mrs. A. G. Doggart, who said everyone had heard of the gallantry of the officers and crew of the "Illustrious" while protecting the merchant ships In the Mediterranean, bravery which would never be forgotten. In the first four days of the Week Selsey raised £350. which, includes £l7 8s. 6d. contributed by a bridge and whist drive organized by Mrs. Wills-Rust, £19 from the N.F.S. dance, and £28 given from the dance arranged by the Royal Observer Corps. Cinema collection totalled £40 in the four days.

Last updated: Oct 13, 2023

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