Carnival Queen – Bognor Regis Observer – Wednesday, 26 July 1939

SELSEY’S CARNIVAL QUEEN MISS J. FLORENCE ELECTED. In the presence of some three hundred people. Miss Joan Florence, gaining 142 votes, was elected Selsey’s Carnival Queen for this year, at the election held in the Pavilion on Wednesday. The Queen elect, who is dark and was simply dressed in a pink full-length frock with puffed shoulders, received a tremendous ovation. Her nearest rival from eight contestants, was Miss J. French. The maids of honour were elected as follows: senior, Nancy Prior (votes 148), and Peggy Boxall; junior, Jessie Fidler (votes 132), and Rosemary Butler. There were 13 senior entrants and 22 junior. The elections were organised by the Selsey branch of the British Legion entertainments committee, in conjunction with the Selsey Carnival annually arranged by them. The officials were Mr. C. E. Vince (chairman of the branch), Mr. F. Owens (hon. secretary). Col. W. G. Moore, who introduced the contestants, in the absence of Col. Wills Rust who was unable to be present because of illness, and Dr. J. E. Wooding who was in charge of the stewards, Messrs. A. Voke, W. H. Harman, R. Withers, J. Tupper and L. Pretorius. The crowning of the Queen was conducted by Miss Doris Henstridge, last year’s Queen, and took place on the cinema stage in the presence of the Maids of Honour, Mr. McEachern (Flotsam), Mr. Harold Williams, Col. Moore. A collection was taken among the audience, and a purse of £5 was in consequence presented to Miss Parkinson, Matron of the Royal West Sussex Hospital, for the Hospital funds. Miss Parkinson made an eloquent speech in reply in which she paid warm tribute to the support Selsey had given the Hospital in the past. She asked that interest in the Hospital be renewed, and the support continued. The lucky contestants received hearty congratulations from their rivals and interested admirers alike, when they left the building after the elections.

Last updated: Oct 30, 2023

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