Film Preview – Chichester Observer – Saturday, 26 June 1948

PAVILION, SELSEY. Christmas in New York means the annual appearance of Santa Claus in Macy's—one of the City's biggest department stores. But the man hired to impersonate that all-important character is found drunk. A substitute is obtained in Kris Kringle, a harmless if slightly eccentric old gentleman, who immerses himself so thoroughly in the role of Santa Claus that he convinces himself—and a good many others—that he is in fact that snowy-bearded and saintly fellow in person. This amazing situation forms the core of "THE BIG HEART," presented on Monday for three days, a refreshing film which cannot fail to appeal to everyone. Uproarious comedy creeps into the final scenes when, before the story reaches a satisfactory conclusion, the matter of Kris's identity is contested in a court case. Famous for his suspenseful dramas. Alfred Hitchcock's "NOTORIOUS," with stars Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman in the leading roles, is to be shown on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. In order to help Delvin, a government agent, uncover a post-war plot by an underground movement, Alicia accepts marriage to Sebastian, leader of the plotters, that she might learn his plans. The betrayal of Sebastian by his wife, whom he attempts to dispose of by slow poison, and the consequences, are enacted against the background of Rio de Janeiro.

Last updated: Nov 06, 2023

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