Coronation Celebrations – Chichester Observer – Wednesday, 17 February 1937

CORONATION PLANS AT SELSEY THE COMMITTEES MEET. Plans for the Selsey Coronation celebrations are now in preparation in the capable hands of Lieut.-Col. W. G. Moore. O.B. E. (Chairman of the Carnival Committee), Mr. J. Fisher (Chairman of the Sports Committee), and Committees for dancing and teas, working in conjunction with the Parish Council, the Chairman of which is Mr. S. B. Arnell, who is also Chairman of the Celebrations Committee. It is hoped that the celebrations will last over two days. They will commence on the afternoon of Coronation Day, when there will be an adults' sports meeting, which will be followed by a small mounted gymkhana for children and a tea for children in the Church Hall. There will be a carnival procession through the streets in the evening, and the day will wind up with a dance in the Pavilion. On the second day the positions will be reversed, for the sports will be for the children and the tea will be for the old folks (minimum age 65). The day will end with a whist drive in the Church Hall. Coronation souvenir mugs will be presented to each child under 14 when they have their tea.

Last updated: Oct 30, 2023

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