Film Listings – Bognor Regis Observer – Friday, 20 May 1955

PAVILION, SELSEY. FERNANDO Lamas has a dashing role in the adventure "SANGAREE." Competing for his affection are Patricia Medina and Arlene Dahl. What happens when 1,500 American Marines are stationed on an island ruled by an English gentleman who has three lovely daughters is told in " GIRLS OF PLEASURE ISLAND," with Leo Genn and Don Taylor. "LAUGHING ANNE" is a Technicolor production based on a short story by Joseph Conrad. Margaret Lockwood is in the title role, that of a red-headed beauty of the 1880's who was the idol of an elegant Paris night-club. She falls in love with a knuckle-fighter (Forrest Tucker) and the two drift East where they sink to poverty and degredation. Then Laughing Anne meets the master of a schooner (Wendell Corey) and stows away in a ship bound for Singapore.

Last updated: Nov 03, 2023

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