Film Listings – Bognor Regis Observer – Friday, 30 September 1955

PAVILION, SELSEY. ROBERT TAYLOR teams with Lana Turner in "JOHNNY EAGER." Taylor appears as a gangster who strikes up an acquaintance with the step-daughter of a powerful District Attorney and makes her believe she has killed a man. Using this as a threat, he blackmails the D.A. into giving him a clear field with his rackets. An exciting gun battle provides a tense climax to the picture. Spencer Tracy has of his most memorable parts in "BOYS TOWN". It is that of father Flanagan, a real-life American priest who started a "home-from-home" for wayward boys and saved many from ending up behind bars. Featured with Tracy are Mickey Rooney, Henry Hull, Leslie Fenton and Gene Reynolds. Norman Taurog's sensitive direction results in a poignant film that has the unmistakable stamp of sincerity. "WILL ANY GENTLEMAN?" tells the hilarious story of the adventures that befall respectably married bank clerk when he is bewitched by a stage hypnotist into a rampaging devil-may-care philanderer. His scandalized wife runs home to mother and things go from bad to worse. At the bank more catastrophes occur and the film comes to a side-splitting climax after a mad chase back stage at the theatre, with the hero in hot pursuit of the wicked hypnotist. In "FIGHTER ATTACK." Sterling Hayden plays a U.S. fighter pilot who is shot down and teams up with Italian partisans in a fast moving adventure story.

Last updated: Nov 03, 2023

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