Film Listings – Bognor Regis Observer – Friday, 16 September 1955

PAVILION, SELSEY. JACK HAWKINS, Michael Denison and Dulcie Gray star In "ANGELS ONE FIVE." the story of some of the" Few." It is the life of a typical R.A.F. fighter squadron who fought with courage and relentless tenacity against overwhelming odds in the dark days of 1940. It is also the story of how the lives of three fliers become interwoven against a background fighter attacks, raids on airfields and spectacular aerial battles. Alan Ladd stars with Patricia Medina In "THE BLACK KNIGHT." a Technicolor historical romance. Some of the film was shot in England and some in Spain. It is the third time Alan Ladd has made a British film. The film is set in the fabled Vale of Avalon and is a record of the triumphs of King Arthur and his Knights of Camelot over the dark rites and foreign invaders. In support is a western, "PACK TRAIN," with Gene Autry and his wonder horse—Champion.

Last updated: Nov 03, 2023

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